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  • Writer's pictureMaresha Swopes

Loving Me, Some Me

If there's one thing that a girl cannot go wrong by doing which is choosing to love herself to the fullest. Valentine's Day is one of the many holidays that some people love it while others dread its very existence. Since being in my 20s Valentine's Day has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster. At one moment, I'm cheerful about the holiday, full of so much zest and eagerness to see who will confess their profound love for me. Then there are those other moments when I wake up realizing that nobody loves me but my mother (LOL). As of today, I am proud to say that I have finally gotten off this erratic emotional ride and I've decided to totally love myself whether someone else is present in my life or not. So here are a few things that I chose to treat myself to having a perfect Valentine's Day.

  • Mani & Pedi- There is no better way I can think to wash away any drama or sorrow out of a girl's life than to allow your skin to be exfoliated, cuticles be pushed back, and nails be buffed to shine like 409.

  • Purchasing a Bouquet of Roses- Placing a small vase of colorful flowers within any space can bring excitement to the room.

  • Getting Chocolate Wasted- Pigging out over your favorite candy is perfectly okay during this time of year. I mean America has basically given you an excuse to do so, right..?

  • Pour It Up- A nice glass of wine can do a person's heart so good. In my case, this year it was more of Welch's Grape Sparkling Juice that spark my night.

  • Aroma therapy- As the flowers you choose works its magic of adding excitement to a room, try adding your favorite scent as well.

Remember, its hard for someone to love something you dislike or hate.

So love yourself girl or no one will...


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