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  • Writer's pictureMaresha Swopes

Do's and Don't Of Moving

"I moved to Ohio...what on earth was I thinking!"


Making the decision to step outside your comfort zones takes about as much courage as it does to actually implement the move. Back in the summer of 2020, I received a confirmation from the Man Upstairs that I had the green light to venture off from Tennessee to the big O.H.I.O. During the initial planning stages of my new adventure I experienced some hiccups. Some UPs and downs, listed below are some of the lessons that I learned about moving, all of which can save a person time and money.

Let us begin!!!

1. Pray, try not to make any hasty decisions. You want to ensure that you are at the right place at the right time.

2. Set a budget

3. Research the different options for moving. Based off the distance you need to travel, research which option would work best for you, ex. renting a U-haul or hiring a delivery service.

4. Declutter or choose to save it. Not everything that you currently own needs to go with you to your new home. Some things served a purpose specifically for a certain season. So make a sound decision on what to keep, and remember every item you keep is costing you.

5. Make a list of needed supplies/materials.

6. Pack according to categories and/or rooms. For myself, I chose to pack according to categories, such as linens, winter clothes, fragile objects, decor.

7. Pack non-essential items first

8. Give yourself time to pack. I found it to be a somewhat much easier and less hectic process of moving when choosing to pack a little at a time over weeks ahead of my set moving date. I officially moved in January 2021, however I began packing in November 2020.

9. Designate an area within your home to store all boxes. Anyone helping you move will appreciate you so much for this move. The last thing you want to do is to create trip hazards and/or a maze when trying to move large items and furniture.

10. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes we can compliant things by trying to do it all ourselves. Ask individual people or round up a team if need be. And for all my persons that like things done a certain way or placed in a certain spot, DELEGATE. Take the pressure off.

Do not let the idea of spending out money scare you away from making decisions that will make this process less stressful for you. Consider all factors, do your have family/friends to assist you in both locations? Are you moving to the top floor with no elevator? Will your current furniture fit through all entryways? At the end of the day its good to desire a peaceful and smooth transition. For this sets the tone for the journey you're choosing to embark on.

Here are a couple of items that I found ti be helpful during my move.


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