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  • Writer's pictureMaresha Swopes

Beauty In Dry Places

Today I received a gentle reminder of my importance of being present on the this Earth, along with a simple notion of the radiant beauty that I posses. I know this seems to be super deep just to be described as a "gentle reminder". For those who are not aware, this is the type of message God tries to send his children everyday. And I use the word tries loosely, because God is forever dropping gems into your day to day life, however we are so caught up in dwelling on things we do not have or reading deeply into the lives of others that we miss these gentle reminders.

For the past couple of weeks I have been attempting to combat the constant thoughts of wanting to be in a relationship and/or daydreaming about marriage. Though neither of the two actions are found to be sins yet they carry the ability to distract me from seeing the beauty in my singleness. Never in a million years would I have seen this being a problem for me.

Not enjoying the liberty of coming and going as you please, not having to share my space with someone else, being able to watch any movie or T.V. show that I find truly amusing, and best of all being able to let loose a silent but deadly fart in an instance. I mean who in their right mind would desire to give all this up so soon for something you are unsure if it will work out or fail. Well, that crazy someone is me. I want the whole shebang, rings, vows, commitment, cuddle time, arguments, etc.

I am well aware that Valentine's Day has came and left, but its after viewing the cute posts of pictures and thoughtful words that a person who is single begins to reflect on their relational status. Yes, I was excited to celebrate myself in the moment, but what happens when that moment has past. And you find yourself alone yet another year. Well I'll tell ya this, God did not allow me the opportunity of thinking, "What's wrong with me?", "Wonder how long will it take to find that special someone?" or "I wonder will it truly work out or just end terrible like the others?" And let me fill you in some more. Its not only being without a significant other thot is becoming a bother but its the uncertainty of purpose as well. "Why am I placed here in this particular location"? "When will I ever get out of debt"? Will I ever be healthy, and still be able to enjoy food"?

God helped me to realize that I am exactly where he needs me to be, becoming the individual he designed me to be, with what he has ordained me to have regardless if it looks the way I expected it to or not. There is something beautiful being birthed through you and to you, so do not allow circumstances, desires, situations, and lack thereof to tell you any different. God never fails at showing, me at my best during storms or joyful times. Simply due to the fact that he only sees us at our best. all the of the time So I share this reminder with you, there is beauty in the dry season.

Keep shifting house...

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